The South Wolds Academy and Sixth Form

Live Remote Learning Form

Parent \ Guardian

My child has a suitable space to participate in a live, remote learning experience. Please consider:
• Internet connectivity
• Privacy – the location should be chosen to minimise interruptions / distractions

I agree / do not agree that my child can take part in live remote learning experiences as part of their teaching programme.


I agree to abide by all the following protocols for safe and successful, live, remote learning:

• Participants must be fully dressed in comfortable, sensible clothing: no offensive slogans, no revealing clothing
• Participants must ensure that nothing in their camera view could cause offence or upset to others: no offensive / graphic posters or written messages
• Participants must not record or take images from any part of a session
• Participants must be kind: listen carefully and follow instructions, no use of rude or offensive language, respect the rights of others to learn
• Participants must work hard: clarify expectations, begin tasks promptly, minimise distractions / disruptions
• Participants must aspire: participate in discussions, produce your best work

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