The South Wolds Academy and Sixth Form

Personal Development & Life Skills

Curriculum Intent

In personal Development and Life Skills we aim to shape global citizens who are resilient, respectful and fully equipped to face the decisions, responsibilities and opportunities of adult life.

Our curriculum aims to promote self-esteem and emotional wellbeing as well as help students build and maintain worthwhile and positive relationships. Early on in PD, students are taught to have respect for themselves and for others within our local, national and global communities. This is emphasised by a broad and balanced curriculum which explores values within different cultures, positive attitudes, and the importance of physical and mental health.


The topics taught within each academic year are outlined below. If you have any further queries, please email

KS3 Personal Development

Course Overview

Year 7

  1. Me and my new school
  2. Internet safety and harms
  3. Relationships
  4. Parliament
  5. Puberty
  6. Mental health

Year 8
  1. Healthy choices
  2. Respect
  3. Finance
  4. Community and careers
  5. Fantasy vs reality
  6. First aid

How To Help

  • Asking about the topics
  • Discuss student's ideas and opinions
  • Ask if they have any worries, concerns or questions about the topics.
  • Discuss the different sources your child can get advice from. There are helpful links below and their tutors and PD teachers will be happy to discuss any queries regarding the KS3 PD curriculum. 

Useful Links

Puberty, reproduction and contraception:
General Personal Development support website for students:

KS4 Life Skills

Why study Life Skills?
Life Skills as a subject is aimed to equip students with key skills that they can apply to their future study, career and adult life. 

What will I study?

1. Life Skills and Moral Issues

  • Debating key topics that affect our society such as the law, parliament, democracy and just war. 
  • Developing and expressing our opinions around topics such as alcohol, drugs, hate crime and extremism.
  • Exploring and improving our understanding of life choices around developing healthy habits both physically and mentally including smartphones and online safety, healthy relationships, equality and making positive choices.

2. Study Skills

  • Motivation, organisation and time management including owning targets and building a healthy study life balance.
  • Developing personal study techniques including developing an understanding of how the brain remembers, memory techniques and different learning styles.
  • How to revise effectively and prepare for exams including practical tips for revision and support in preparing for the rigour of exams.

3. Money Management

  • Understanding the responsibility of money and money management including how to budget.
  • Developing an understanding of financial security and why it is important. 

4. Careers

  • Exploring pathways available to students for Post 16
  • CV writing and interview skills
  • Understanding the job market and the world of work

How will I be assessed?
There is no external assessment. Life Skills is not a GCSE Subject and does not lead to any qualification.