The South Wolds Academy and Sixth Form

Admissions Appeal Timeline for September 2020

If you have been unsuccessful in being offered a place at The South Wolds Academy and Sixth Form on 2  March  2020  (National  Offer  Day),  you  have  the  right  to  appeal  against  this  decision 
 to  an independent appeals panel.

How to lodge an appeal

Please send a written/telephone request with your intention to appeal to our Admissions Administrator, Mrs K Gillen on 0115 9373506 or email A ‘Notice of Appeal’ form will be sent to you upon receipt of your request. You will need to return your completed Notice of Appeal by Monday 30 March 2020. Appeals received after this deadline will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals, where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged with the school.

The appeal hearing

For applications made as part of the normal admissions round, our appeals will be held in two stages:

Stage 1

Academy’s case - 9.00 am Friday 19th June 2020 – Main Hall

All parents who have lodged an appeal will be invited to attend Stage 1 of the appeal hearings. The meeting will take place at 9.00 am Friday 19th June 2020 – Main Hall. This will allow the school to present its case and to take questions based on its case from both parents and the independent appeals panel. Provided the independent appeals panel is satisfied that prejudice has been proven, your individual appeal will then take place as follows:

Stage 2

Parent’s case – Monday 22nd / Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Parents will be notified of the date and time for their individual appeal no less than 10 days before the hearing. Individual appeal hearings will take place throughout the day at the academy. Parents will be notified in writing of the outcome of their appeal by Friday 26 June 2020