The South Wolds Academy and Sixth Form

Educational Provision

Remote Education Provision

Please click on the appropriate link below to download information regarding remote education provision, which is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers.

On-site Education Provision

We are continuing to provide on-site education provision for a limited number of children - those who are vulnerable and children whose parents are classified as key workers and cannot be safely cared for at home.

  • Before completing the form please click here for a list and definition of a key worker
  • Please do not send your child in to school unless you have been contacted by email and told to do so

  • Please inform us as soon as possible if you have been offered a place but your child is no longer going to attend. We may be able to offer their place to another student

Provision for Monday 8th to Friday 12th March 2021

Request form is now closed

The form for requests for students to attend any on-site Educational Provision sessions for the week Monday 8th to Friday 12th March 2021 is now closed.