The South Wolds Academy and Sixth Form

INSET 1st September 2020

Please complete the following questions and confirm you have completed the training sessions available to you.  As a reminder, all staff must work through sessions 1 to 6, and staff who teach should complete session 7 as well.

If you have any questions about any aspect of training, there is space at the end to note these.

All forms must be submitted by 3pm on Tuesday 1st September

1. Welcome Back!

2. Safeguarding Training

3. Behaviour and expectations

4. Operational information

4a. Do teachers need to follow the one way system?*
4b. Do students have a break during pd 5?*
4c. Do teachers need to wipe student chairs and desks down at the beginning of a lesson?*
4d. Can teaching staff take exercise books home?*

5. The Recovery Curriculum


7. Teaching and Assessment

7c. Have you emailed Mike Wright yet about your access to technology at home?

Any further questions